Wednesday, July 22, 2009

more wot variant covers...

well, i said i would update with more covers...and here they are...all of them thus far, up to issue 6--you can view them on dragonmount where they were originally posted by dabel brothers publishing, along with jeremy's covers, as well--you can also order them from the dragonmount online store (under graphic novels in the categories section all the way to the right), although i haven't been able to find an option to choose which cover you want...just a heads up if you're considering an order--i think ultimately the dabels are going to compile the first 6 issues together into one graphic novel, which will supposedly have bonus material in the back like sketches, notes, etc, for anyone who might be interested in that kind of thing...


  1. WOW.
    Breathtaking. Best Perrin I have seen in a long time (if not ever).
    Perfect atmosphere in all the covers, GREAT job!

  2. YEah man i loved all these when I saw them on Dragonmount. Jeremy's are great too. Some nice changes and improvements on the characters and beardless perrin is spot on my friend.

  3. nice----i like more the four cover.......good work....

  4. Very cool, I really like the lighting you did on the guy on the wagon.

  5. Dude that was some awesome cover art! Is the wagon driver by any chance Padan faine?

  6. Constant keep this pace up and you're going to pull something :) Love it!

  7. Very very nice character designs ..!!
    loved ur way of designing the characters ..!!

    Really Amazing work ..!!

    pls update more..!!

  8. yes he does!...maybe he can hug that lovely vampire.....that would be weird though...

    ps: missed guess who's little adorable shorts last weekend?

  9. Freak'n awesome blog dude, Love your style and designs! I'll def be back!

  10. Found these google image searching and was amazed! Very cool.

  11. This work never ceases to amaze me, and capture aspects of the series that I thought could only come to my imagination. When and where will these comics be made available?

  12. Love it. That piece of Padan Fain has got to be one of the most delightful illustrations I've ever seen. Great job on the draftsmanship, the lighting, the textures.. Is there a close-up you could point me to? I'd *love* to see it bigger.

  13. Love the artwork. Just read issue #1 and I'm currently trying to find a place local where I can subscribe to the whole series.

    Keep up the good work!

  14. Love these! Particularly the wagon. Really, really nice!

  15. I love the one of Perrin and Faile! It looks just like I imagined them.

  16. I love your art work, especially WoT.


  17. I am in love with Thom! I have been since I first read EotW. Fantastic job on that artwork! I really love the moments you chose for the Perrin/Egwene and Rand covers. And the drahkar... chilling.

  18. Love the art work. The Padan Fain picture is especially compelling - it really captures his "twistedness"

    - Spiffy

  19. Dude, I love your artwork. You do a great job capturing Jordan's descriptions. I have the comic here with Rand and his bow on the cover. I would love to see more Wheel of Time work from you!

  20. Simply astounding work. I hope to see your rendition of the Tinkers. They seem visually appealing, and I would love to see how you bring them to life.

  21. Do you, or the Dabel Brothers, plan to sell any of your original Wheel of Time Artwork. What about repros or posters? I suspect you might have takers!

  22. Hey your work is really amazing! I can't wait to see more of it, it's honestly the best WOT artwork so far.

  23. Wonderful work. You really capture the essence of all of the characters. I really like the Fain on the wagon pic.

  24. You are an amazing artist. I would love to see your take on Gawyn Trakand.
