Thursday, January 8, 2009

tomb raider: underworld

so, while at crystal dynamics, i was fortunate enough to have a chance to work on tomb raider: underworld--if you haven't played this yet, i recommend it--the game looks pretty darn amazing...

i got to work on lots of different outfits for lara, which was fun...i also got to help with the box art, which was also pretty neat--here's some costumes i got to help with...


John said...

Awesome... I like the more mature face you've done there over the 12-year-old-Jolie-ish Lara from the last game.
Very cool that you got to work on a major title like that. Are those monster pics in the other post something for another game or movie? If so... whatever it is will be pretty sweet.

Paul J. Sullivan said...

Nice stuff Seamas! I saw that they put your stuff in the art book that was released with the game. Looks like you had fun with it. Post more!

Björn Hurri said...

nice stuff!

. said...

Awesome art :)

Dave McNeal said...

pretty damn amazing sir. great work these last few posts. Top notch!

Parka said...

Nice. Just love Lara Croft.

Adam Ford said...

We were actually just playing that and commenting on how amazing it looks!!! Congrats! I didn't know that you worked on that. Did you all you SH to light it?

Anonymous said...

Seamus - I hate you. How dare you draw Lara behind my back! You womanizing bastard! When will it end!?

Damn it - but it is amazing work. Even beyond the drooling fanboy reaction - great work as always man!

Israel Oliveira dos Santos said...

Wow!! Your blog is AMAZING!!
I really like your character design, especcially the Dragons!!

Success and Welcome to 2009!!